Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin Speech


1. Crowd Chanting "Dill Now, Baby, Drill Now"
2. Rudy Giliani: "He's never had to lead people in crisi....This is not a personal attack; it's a statement of fact. Barack Obama has never led anything. Nothing. Nada...The choice in this election comes down to substance over style. John McCain has been tested. Barack Obama has not. Tough times require strong leadership, and this is no time for on-the-job training."...First of all, not every state has some crisis like New York did and that shouldn't be held against their leaders, and I'm so sorry that Obama wasn't kidnapped and tortured...maybe he should be assasinated and then he will be qualified. AND WTF IS THIS ABOUT ON THE JOB TRAINING! INSERT FOOT IN MOUTH! SARAH PALIN...NEED I SAY MORE.
3. “Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights.”
4. "As for my running mate, you can be certain that wherever he goes and whoever is listening John McCain is the same man."...well the same man as he has been since he began running...because before that he had different views.
5. "I came to office promising to control spending, by request if possible, but by veto, if necessary." Yes, i saw she vetoed funding for a program that provided temporary housing to pregnant teens while they learned job skills to survive. I guess she thinks every pregnant teen has a parent in the government who accepts them and pays for everything.
6. "But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away, when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot…" SOMEONE EXPLAIN WTF IS SO WRONG WITH THE GREEK COLUMNS! IF I HEAR ONE MORE REPUBLICAN USING THIS AS SOME SORT OF "DIS" I MAY SHOOT THEM!
7."when that happens, what exactly is our opponent’s plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish after he’s done turning back the waters and healing the planet?..The answer — the answer is to make government bigger, and take more of your money, and give you more orders from Washington, and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world." - Umm...Sarah...stop trying to make it seem like healing our planet is a bad thing, it is our home you know, you should know, practically living in the woods and all...and wtf do you think you'll be doing when trying to outlaw abortion and take away our privacy?
8. The fact that Sarah Palin is selfish enough to accept this position knowing she is not ready and has no experience.


1. She thinks abstinence only education works...even though shes proved in her own home it doesnt.
2. Once that abstinence only education fails, or something horrible like rape happens to a girl, she would rather them carry a baby to full term and give it up for adoption i presume, or keep it.
3. Once they decide to keep it she will cut funding that may help them make a better life for their child, therefore making the possibilities for that child to have the same future even greater.
4. Shes under investigation for curruption even while she insists shes fought against it.
5. Let me make this perfectly clear, I have no problems with a woman having a family and a career, to each their own...however I have a serious problem when a woman who would rather have a career than take care of her family helping run MY country. This woman has a 4 month old baby with downs syndrome, and a 17 year old daughter who is about to have a baby and will need her mothers help, and yet this woman would rather take up office which will no doubt keep her way too occupied to be a good mother. That kind of woman, I do not want as vice president. She is young, if she really thinks shes qualified why not wait the 4-8 years and try and get the office in the next election, why do it now when her family needs her?
6. Her own carwash failed because she couldn't pay her fees and bills...and yet we are giving her control of some of the most important things in our country.


"written by George Bush's speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we've heard from George Bush for the last eight years."

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